Pursuing God’s Presence - Part II
Ben Jones unpacks Ephesians 5:14-20 speaking about the difference the Spirit makes to our lives and churches.
Pursuing God’s Presence - Part I
Ben Strain explores Psalm 63 and talks about why we prioritise pursuing God’s presence.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Learning to Love
Andy Parnham talks about how we respond to our formative experiences to develop emotional maturity and to learn how to love.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Enlarge your soul through grief and loss
Jill Parnham continues our EHS series focussing on grief and loss.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Sabbath
Lydia Strain continues our EHS series looking at what story of scripture tells us about the practise of Sabbath and the difference it can make to our lives today.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Journey Through the Wall
Ben continues our series looking at how we respond to suffering and how this can lead us into a deeper relationship with God.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Going Back to Move Forward
Jill Parnham continues our series on ‘Emotionally Healthy Spirituality’ exploring how we ‘go back to move forward’.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality - Why this matters
Ben Strain introduces a new series sharing why emotionally healthy spirituality matters.
What does the Spirit do? – Sons and Daughters
Anne Whyte continues our series on the Holy Spirit looking at how the Spirit enables us to experience God’s love as a father.
What does the Spirit do? - Strength in Weakness
Andy Coombe talks about what Jesus is inviting us to do in Sydenham and Forest Hill through God’s strength.
Life in the Spirit
Guest speaker Mark Melluish talks about life Jesus is inviting us into.
What does the Spirt do? - Pentecost Power
Ben Strain reflects on how God’s empowering presence is available for us today.
What does the Spirit do? - Compassion
Anne Whyte launches our new series, ‘What Does the Holy Spirit Do?’ Reflecting on Luke 4:14-21
Giving Sunday - Part II
Ben Strain reflects on the practise of giving and what God is inviting us to give ourselves to this year.