Racial Justice

As a church we are committed to being anti-racist. We believe God has created all people in his image and eternal love. We recognise that the Church in the UK, too often, has been racist in its actions or complicit by its inaction. We are playing our part to change things and see greater diversity reflected in all areas of church life, both at Holy Trinity and in the wider Church.




A response to the murder of George Floyd by Pastor Agu, Jesus House London.

A spoken word piece from our friend, activist and actress Justina Kehinde.

A talk entitled: ‘How should the evangelical Church respond to the murder of George Floyd?’ by Rich Nathan, Vineyard Columbus.

‘We need to talk about race’ an evening at St Paul’s Cathedral with Ben Lindsay, Guvna B, Rosemarie Mallet and Chine McDonald.

‘Leading in a racialised world’ a talk by Kate Coleman at the New Wine Leadership Conference 2021.
